Allan Mubiru

Allan Mubiru was born in Uganda and studied business administration, with a focus on finance, at Makerere University in Uganda. He is a co-founder of the Kaffee-Kooperative and is responsible for sourcing and quality control. Together with the company Rwashoscco, which is owned by six Rwandan agricultural cooperatives, the idea of Angelique's Finest was born. The coffee is grown exclusively by small Rwandan farmers who organise themselves independently in the cooperatives.

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All contributions by Allan Mubiru

The Idea of Coffee entirely made by Women

The Idea of Coffee entirely made by Women

A Conversation with Allan Mubiru

Allan Mubiru was standing in front of a shelf in Kigali, Rwanda, and discovered a local type of coffee. He took it, tasted it and was thrilled. A story about a grocery shopping trip that became the beginning of a successful business idea.

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