Dr. Bettina Rudloff

(c) SWP
Dr. Bettina Rudloff forscht als Agraringenieurin und Ökonomin an der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin.

Dr. Bettina Rudloff works as agricultural engineer and trade economist at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin. SWP is a German think tank conducting practically oriented research and advising the German Bundestag and Federal Government on foreign and security policy issuesPrior to that she was Assistant Professor at the Institute for Food and Resource Economics at Bonn University and lecturer at the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht, The Netherlands and consulted European and international officials. She advises different political actors in the EU and Germany on agricultural policy, trade and investment agreements and their interlinkages with food security and development. She is member of the strategical advisory board of the special initiative “”One World, no Hunger” of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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All contributions by Dr. Bettina Rudloff

Actual Analysis: The locusts came with the crises

Actual Analysis: The locusts came with the crises

A report by Bettina Rudloff and Annette Weber (SWP)

The Corona-Virus exacerbates existing crises through conflict, climate, hunger and locusts in East Africa and the Horn of Africa. What needs to be done in these regions? To face these challenges for many countries, all of these crises need to be captured in their regional context.

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