Stephanie Heiland

Stephanie Heiland is a political scientist and ethnologist and holds a postgraduate degree in development cooperation from ETH Zurich. She started her career in GIZ in the area of water and sanitation, since 2009 she has been working in agriculture, with a specific focus on the interface between climate change and agriculture – e.g. coordinating watershed and irrigation components in a programme for adaptation of agriculture to climate change in Bolivia and heading the climate-smart livestock systems programme of BMZ’s special initiative One World No Hunger. Currently she is co-leading the sector project “Agriculture”, in which climate change also plays an integral role. Stephanie was part of the GIZ observer delegation at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheik.

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All contributions by Stephanie Heiland

COP27: Agri-food systems in the focus of the climate discussion

COP27: Agri-food systems in the focus of the climate discussion

Stephanie Heiland, Project Manager at Sector Project Agriculture and part of this year’s Observer Delegation of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) at COP27, shares her insights on the role of agriculture and food systems at the climate conference. Among other things, she reports from GIZ’s COP27 side event ‘Climate resilient agriculture and food systems in times of multiple crises and fragility’.

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