World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)

The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the largest and most experienced nature conservation organizations in the world and active in more than 100 countries. Around the world, around five million are supporting the WWF. It has 90 offices in more than 40 countries. Around the world, the workforce is currently working on 1,300 biodiversity conservation projects. The most important instruments of the WWF’s nature conservation work are the designation of protected areas and the sustainable, nature-friendly use of our natural products. In addition, the WWF is committed to reducing pollution and wasteful consumption at the expense of nature.

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All contributions by World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)

Investing in Healthy Soils: Curse or Blessing?

Investing in Healthy Soils: Curse or Blessing?

A Contribution by WWF

How investing in healthy soils provides incentives for more sustainable agriculture even as it demonstrates the need for far reaching changes in the agrisector.

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Why biodiversity is important for climate protection & food security - and vice versa

Why biodiversity is important for climate protection & food security - and vice versa

The world is facing major challenges that need to be solved. We need to feed an ever-growing population, bring climate change under control and stop the loss of biodiversity. Martina Fleckenstein, Director of Global Policy at WWF, on what is expected from the climate conference in terms of biodiversity and biodiversity conservation.

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