Brot für die Welt (BfdW)

Brot für die Welt is a globally active developmental organization of the German Protestant Regional and Free Churches and their deaconry. In more than 90 countries, Brot für die Welt helps poor and marginalized people to independently improve their lives. One major focus of the work is securing the food supply. In times of climate change and increasingly scarce resources, the fight against hunger and lack of food is becoming increasingly important. Brot für die Welt supports the poor and rural population in achieving good yields with environmentally friendly methods. We are also committed to the promotion of education and health, access to water, strengthening democracy, respect for human rights, safeguarding peace and preserving natural resources. For bread stands as a symbol for more than food, bread stands for everything that man needs for life. An essential feature of the project is working closely with local, often church-run partner organizations. Together with them, Brot für die Welt looks for global solutions to the most urgent problems. Brot für die Welt helps people regardless of their ethnicity or religious affiliation. Those who benefit the most are the very poorest sections of the population. Brot für die Welt helps them to develop their potential so that they can free themselves from their state of poverty. In all projects, Brot für die Welt also ensures that women and men benefit equally from collaborative work.

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Local rather than global

Local rather than global

An increasing number of people in Togo's capital city are consuming cheap imported food. The OADEL organization promotes local products.

A project of Brot für die Welt

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Brazil is world champion in the use of pesticides. In the southern part of the country, a network of organic farms is supplying municipal schools and kindergartens with healthy food.

A project of Brot für die Welt

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Sowing change

Sowing change

A Contribution by Brot für die Welt

Roughly 800 million people suffer from hunger worldwide. Change is needed - for people and for the environment. Brot für die Welt reports on the starting points offered by everyone's ecological footprint and handprint.

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The goals of transformation should leave no one behind

The goals of transformation should leave no one behind

An Interview with Mareike Haase and Stig Tanzmann

Four interviews kick off the relaunch under the new name „Food4Transformation“, asking the same questions from different perspectives. Mareike Haase and Stig Tanzmann from Brot für die Welt explain why the right to food, inclusivity, agroecology and food sovereignty are the central levers for a successful transformation.

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Mr. Marí, what happened at the alternative summit?

Mr. Marí, what happened at the alternative summit?

An Interview with Francisco Marí (Brot für die Welt)

Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) did not attend the UNFSS pre-summit. Instead, the organisation took part in a counter-summit that took place at the same time. A conversation with Francisco Marí about the reasons, the process - and an outlook for the future

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"The Green Revolution reaches its limits"

"The Green Revolution reaches its limits"

Interview with Stig Tanzmann (BfdW)

Stig Tanzmann is a farmer and adviser on agricultural issues at ‘Bread for the World’. Jan Rübel interviewed him about his reservations about AGRA's strategy.

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Can this end world hunger?

Can this end world hunger?

A report by Stig Tanzmann

Time to dig deeper: We can only benefit from technical progress if we have a solid legal framework for everybody. But so far, none is in sight - in many countries. Instead, international corporations grow ever more powerful.

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Gender equality: Essential for food and nutrition security

Gender equality: Essential for food and nutrition security

A contribution by Carsta Neuenroth (BfdW)

The majority of producers in developing countries are women. Although they contribute significantly to the food security of their families, they remain chronically disadvantaged in male-dominated agriculture in terms of access to land, credit, technology and education.

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The hype about urban gardening: farmers or hobby gardeners?

The hype about urban gardening: farmers or hobby gardeners?

A contribution by Stig Tanzmann

Urban gardening is becoming increasingly popular in northern metropoles. People who consider themselves part of a green movement are establishing productive gardens in the city, for example on rooftops or in vacant lots. In severely impoverished regions of the global South, urban agriculture is a component of the food strategy.

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Authors of this organisation

Francisco Marí

Francisco Marí

Francisco Marí has been working since 2009 as a project officer for lobby and advocacy work in the areas of global nutrition, Agricultural Trade and Maritime Policy at Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) in the Protestant Agency for Diakonia and Development, focusing on food security, artisanal fisheries, WTO, EU-Africa trade and fisheries agreements, deep-sea mining and the effects of food standards on small-scale producers.

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Carsta Neuenroth

Carsta Neuenroth

Carsta Neuenroth is gender adviser at Bread for the World. Her focus is on gender policy in the context of development cooperation and gender mainstreaming within the organization. Before that she worked as trainer and consultant for gender, agriculture and food security, project management and impact orientation with a German consultancy firm. Through her work she gained experience in many Latin American, African and Asian countries. As a development worker she lived in Guatemala for many years. She holds degrees in agriculture and development studies.

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Stig Tanzmann

Stig Tanzmann

Stig Tanzmann is a farmer and agricultural scientist and has been working as a consultant for agricultural issues at Brot für die Welt - Evangelical Developmental Service since 2010.

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