TMG – ThinkTankforSustainabilty

The Töpfer Müller Gaßner GmbH (TMG) as a "Think Tank for Sustainability" supports the implementation of sustainable development targets and the Paris Climate Agreement. The responsible persons are convinced that effective implementation starts with the involvement of different actors and the consideration of different forms of knowledge. Only in this way are collaborative actions for transformation in sustainability possible. Inclusive development processes require the involvement of local and marginalized participants. The work of (TMG) ThinkTank for Sustainability therefore aims to listen to the voices of local actors in these global processes while at the same time influencing the global processes in such a way that they become effective for concrete transformation processes at the national and local level.

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Combining multiple strands: This is SEWOH Lab

Combining multiple strands: This is SEWOH Lab

A new research project of the special initiative examines several digital solutions for agriculture and food: This is a support for the successful fusion of digital and social innovations for food security. This apporach is both regional and interregional.

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Can we democratize data in the age of digital extraction?

Can we democratize data in the age of digital extraction?

A contribution by Clare Crowe Pettersson & Lena Bassermann

The United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CFS) recently adopted new policy guidelines on the use of data and digital technologies in the context of food security and nutrition. What comes next?

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Our Food Systems are in Urgent Need of Crisis-Proofing:  what needs to be done

Our Food Systems are in Urgent Need of Crisis-Proofing: what needs to be done

An Artikel by TMG

Based on a scientific study by TMG Think Tank, the authors highlight various challenges in the fight against the hunger crisis. The findings show that climate change, conflict and covid-19 are increasing food and energy prices.


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For a just transition to a sustainable planet we must secure land rights

For a just transition to a sustainable planet we must secure land rights

A contribution by TMG

At the UNCCD COP15, the Töpfer Müller Gaßner Think Tank (TMG) hosted four side events. The agenda of the kick-off event included discussions for the Human Rights and Land Navigator.

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Building Better Resilience to Transboundary Threats

Building Better Resilience to Transboundary Threats

A Contribution by the TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

Fuelled by climate change, desert locust plagues become increasingly frequent. A plaidoyer for a paradigm shift on handling transboundary crises.

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Soil Restoration Starts with the People

Soil Restoration Starts with the People

A Contribution by TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

Highlighting how secure tenure rights are key to achieving land degradation neutrality and soil restoration targets..

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What is Our Food Worth to Us?

What is Our Food Worth to Us?

A Contribution by the TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

Towards integrated accounting standards in the food and farming sector with the help of True Cost Accounting (TCA).

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Poverty Power Hunger

Poverty Power Hunger

Publication of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and TMG ThinkTank for Sustainability.

The global community is failing in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. This is shown in the factsheet "Poverty Makes Hunger" published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the TMG ThinkTank for Sustainability. Read the full report here.

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"Extreme is the new normal"

"Extreme is the new normal"

A report by Alexander Müller and Jes Weigelt (TMG)

As the climate changes, the population of Africa is growing and fertile land and jobs are becoming scarcer. New ways are currently leading to urbanisation of agriculture and a new mid-sized sector in the countryside

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Video diaries in the days of Corona: Voices from the ground

Video diaries in the days of Corona: Voices from the ground

A contribution by Sarah D´haen & Alexander Müller, Louisa Nelle, Bruno St. Jaques, Sarah Kirangu-Wissler and Matteo Lattanzi (TMG)

Young farmers’ insights on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa @CovidFoodFuture and video diaries from Nairobi’s informal settlements.

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Building our food systems back better

Building our food systems back better

A contribution by Jes Weigelt and Alexander Müller

What is required to make food systems provide sufficient, healthy food while not harming the planet? How should food security be maintained given the threat posed by climate change? Our authors look at some aspects of tomorrow’s food systems against the backdrop of the corona crisis.

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Authors of this organisation

Dr Adam Prakash

Dr Adam Prakash

Dr Adam Prakash is a TMG research associate, whose work explores the quantitative links between climate change and agriculture and how emerging technologies can de-risk food systems.

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Dr Elena Lazutkaite

Dr Elena Lazutkaite

Dr Elena Lazutkaitė is an animal scientist and interdisciplinary researcher focusing on food and agriculture, transboundary pests and resilience, and environmental sustainability.

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Wangu Mwangi

Wangu Mwangi provides editorial and strategic communications support for TMG projects. She has more than 20 years of experience as a journalist and development communications specialist, working at the interface of research, policy, and practice.

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Louisa Nelle

Louisa Nelle

Louisa Nelle supports the SEWOH Lab Food Security Project and the Strengthening Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture project at TMG, with a focus on building climate-resilient urban food systems through digitalization. Her research interests include critical political ecology, the water-food-energy security nexus, rural-urban linkages, and climate justice.

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Sarah D'haen

Sarah D'haen

Sarah D’haen coordinates TMG Research’s SEWOH Lab project. Originally trained as an agronomist and environmental scientist, Sarah’s expertise and interest lie in livelihood dynamics in the Global South, in identifying the direct and indirect drivers of vulnerability and poverty, and finding ways to address these in an effective, inclusive and sustainable way. Throughout her career she has applied this interest in research and implementation projects focused on land use change and adaptation to climate change. She has worked extensively with local and national level stakeholders, scientists and policy makers, predominantly in Sub-Saharan Africa, and more recently also in Europe. She holds a PhD in Geography.

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Jes Weigelt

Jes Weigelt

Jes Weigelt is Head of Programmes at TMG Research gGmbH, the research wing of TMG. Töpfer, Müller, Gassner. ThinkTank for Sustainability. He tweets at @jes_tmg.


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Klaus Töpfer

Klaus Töpfer

Professor Klaus Töpfer, a graduate economist, was Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam from 2009 to 2015.

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