Blessing Mene

Blessing Mene is the founder of the Nigerian fintech company Vetsark. Growing up in a family of farmers, he has had an interest in agriculture and veterinary medicine since a young age. However, his biggest passion is solving problems from a systems change perspective. A major problem that livestock producers face and that can deprive them of income is animal welfare and protection from disease. That's why Blessing Mene was looking for a digital solution to agricultural finance - the start of Vetsark fintech.

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All contributions by Blessing Mene

How a Nigerian fintech wants to secure 1 billion US dollars for farms

How a Nigerian fintech wants to secure 1 billion US dollars for farms

An Interview with Blessing Mene

Small farmers often have a hard time getting financing. An app in Nigeria wants to change that: Founder Blessing Mene about what his app offers - and about the opportunities and limitations of agricultural financing.

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