Isabel Knößlsdorfer

Isabel Knößlsdorfer is a Docotoral Researcher at the Chair of International Food Economics and Rural Development at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Knößlsdorfer has studied Culture and Society of Africa at the University in Bayreith and for her masters she went to the University of Passau and studied Development Studies. Her research interests lie in Food Security and Dietary Diversity, Inequality and Poverty, Agrobiodiversity and Rural Development.

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All contributions by Isabel Knößlsdorfer

Do import restrictions really benefit the local poor in West Africa?

Do import restrictions really benefit the local poor in West Africa?

A contribution by Isabel Knößlsdorfer

Protectionist policies like tariffs supposedly protect domestic producers if they cannot compete with cheaper imported products. Some African countries have therefore opted to impose such import restrictions for a number of products. For the case of chicken imports in Ghana, this study analyses whether restrictions would lead to overall positive or negative welfare effects among households.

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